
Samah Damanhoori

My name is Samah Damanhoori, and I am a filmmaker, activist, and visionary. My journey began in 2011 when I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and Linguistics from the Umm Al-Qura University in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. In 2017, I furthered my education and obtained a Master's degree in Creative Writing from the University of Notre Dame de Namur in Belmont, California.

Life took unexpected turns, and I found myself facing immense challenges. Against all odds, I decided to seek political asylum, determined to create change and empower women in Saudi Arabia. Through my "The Freedom Drive" campaign, I successfully contributed to changing the law, allowing women to travel without male permission.

My experiences have taught me valuable lessons about family, forgiveness, and the transformative power of art. I discovered the importance of listening to and trusting my inner voice, even in the face of adversity. In my journey, I found myself becoming "language-less," relying on emotions and creativity to express myself.

Today, I passionately share my story and insights with others, encouraging them to leave their own footprints in this world. My vision is to empower individuals to embrace their unique voices and perspectives, to thrive, and to make a difference in their communities and beyond. Through filmmaking, activism, and visionary work, I hope to inspire others to overcome challenges and find their paths to personal and societal transformation.


“Stories Have to Be Told or They Die, and When They Die, We Can't Remember Who We Are or Why We're Here.” - Sue Monk Kidd

I can't wait to join you on this incredible adventure of self-discovery and growth. Fill out the form below, and let's begin this empowering and fulfilling chapter together!